740 Physical Therapy

740 Physical Therapy is focused on providing quality care for you, so you can get back to living YOUR best life. Unlike other therapy clinics, you will receive a specific program designed uniquely for you. "No, one program fits all".

We help motivated adults and athletes gain back their quality of life through various treatments, education, and a plan for self-care. Request a free consultation today. No referral needed!

How can 740 Physical Therapy help YOU?


Eliminate pain and movement training to return to daily life activities such as work, hobbies, and family fun!

Sports Medicine

Specific training to prepare you to handle the stresses of athletic/fitness goals, strong and pain-free

Wellness Program

Progress your overall health by maintaining healthy habits without the need for medication or unwanted surgeries

Derek Bennett, founder

Get back to LIVING your best LIFE!

We help those who are motivated to return to the field, court, weight room, class, or course. You will get the personalized health/fitness experience and answers you have been looking for to eliminate pain and get back to your goals!

Stay active, NO more EXCUSES!